I’ve been looking at memory dumps often lately. Since I usually (always) debug with ‘printf’, I needed a better visual for my memory dumps. I decided to do a simple memory dumper:

And added some features:

  • Colored output
  • Different data types (hex, decimal, …)
  • You can specify different regions with different colors and sub-regions
  • Print actual data values
  • Array elements alternate between bold and normal styles
  • Display cache alignment

Here is a example:

// Example struct
struct S {
  vec3 v;
  point2 p;
// Array of S elements
S v[3] = {{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5}},
          {{10, 20, 30}, {40, 50}},
          {{100, 200, 300}, {400, 500}}};
// Here we can define a different region for each struct field:
auto layout = MemoryDumper::RegionLayout().withSizeOf<S>(3)
// Dump to console with colors and data values
MemoryDumper::dump(v, 3, 8, layout,
                   memory_dumper_options::type_values | 

The example above produces the following result:

Here are some other examples:

  • ascii
  • matrices
  • just too much…